Free people vibe check
Free people vibe check

free people vibe check
  1. Free people vibe check how to#
  2. Free people vibe check mod#

No buying/selling/trading, referral links, or any link that you will profit from (either virtually or physically). No solicitation such as ads, promotional content, spam, surveys etc. Laws vary by region, so use your best judgment. If you think you need to flag your post NSFW, it is likely not appropriate to post here. This includes discussion on explicit sexual content, bodily functions, explicit drug use, and other illegal content.

free people vibe check

Keep it clean and SFW: No illegal content or anything gross and inappropriate Don’t push an agenda, force beliefs onto others, or belittle another user's view. Loaded questions or statements could spark an emotional response and get people riled up or start controversy.Īvoid topics that are religious or political in nature.

free people vibe check

Stories involving relationships are acceptable if they aren't inherently focused on it and you're not looking for advice.Īvoid controversial topics and Reddit meta-drama

free people vibe check

Legal advice questions are better suited for professionals who are knowledgeable of the law and legal proceedings.

Free people vibe check how to#

This isn't the place for medical or mental health advice, including asking for a medical diagnosis, or how to deal with illness, injuries, or mental disorders.

Free people vibe check mod#

Stories of overcoming negative mental health or hardship can be acceptable by mod discretion if the focus of the post is positive enough and won't lead to negativity in the comments.Īvoid posting about problems with relationships, medical or mental health, and legal issues These topics are not considered casual and our community is a place to escape from more serious issues. Venting, complaining or expressing sadness doesn't fit the atmosphere we try to foster at all.Īvoid topics of negative mental health and hardship We are a place where everyone can forget about their everyday or not so everyday worries for a moment. Negative topics don’t lend themselves to casual conversation. The intent of your post should be to spark conversation, so it can help to ask leading questions.ĭon’t post to vent, complain, or express sadness Please no nonsensical ramblings or annoying formatting.Īvoid simple questions with specific answers, Generally, questions with a specific obtainable answer do not provide an avenue of discussion and are usually quickly answered or ignored. Provide context in the submission text that directly relates to the title. This is also not the place to share anything offensive or behave in an offensive manner. You can disagree, but if you intentionally try to get a rise of people, it will be removed and/or subject to a ban. If your entire online personality is to be negative, this isn’t the place for you. This makes others feel welcome and conversation can take place without users being rude to one another. When posting in our community, you should aim to be as polite as possible. We have a set of etiquette guidelines that we expect users to adhere to » Be respectful: We have zero tolerance for harassment, hate speech, bigotry, and/or trolling Maybe you'll make some friends in the process. Share a story, ask a question, or start a conversation about (almost) anything you desire. 🌵 r/SeriousConversation The friendlier part of Reddit

Free people vibe check